If you ask me, the only great thing about the ages of 18-21 was the size of my pants; everything else was just a total mess.
Without joy, it’s easy to believe the world is flat.
I am vain, because I am aging. My vanity is one of joy because I am less like the rock than the bird or butterfly. My time here is short, but glorious and entirely experiential. Time is the enemy of pettiness.
Listening to others opinions merely to hear your own reflected is not really listening at all.
We go through what we have to in order to become the people we're meant to be.
I think that insecurities are like spoilt children; they will manipulate you for as long as you indulge them.
Racism is an idiocy only indulged in by the lower intelligences of society.
Call fashion shallow or frivolous if you will, but I say it's the ultimate freedom of choice.
You have to be extraordinarily stylish to be able to get away with wearing grey.
The fact that I cannot whistle is one of the great pains of my life.
I stopped drinking milk when I had the amazing epiphany that I am not in fact a baby cow.
Average people often won't realise they're average, but those who are different cannot escape it.
You don't get rich from working your ass off, you get rich from making sure your money is working its ass off.
Love me or hate me, but make sure the opinion is your own.
I'm developing a personality at the cost of my soul.
Working on becoming rich doesn't mean that you're greedy or mean, it just means that you've made the decision not to accept being average.

I like my bread so grainy that it's barely bread, but more like big island colonies of grain held together by rivulets of bread.
Blanched is a great word. It describes both my method of cooking and the reaction of the people eating my food.
I have a personality shy of my height.
I really can't decide whether q or j is more awesome a letter. It just eats me up trying to decide.
Thoughtful and obnoxious... as an extreme personality I tend to veer rapidly towards both. Yes, it's as messy as it sounds.
Life is too short to worry about fitting in; search for what you love and do it, others who love the same will find you.
I want to stink of money.
You cannot lengthen the your life but you can lengthen the moments.
I cannot help but pore rapturously over childish delights; those things which adults pore over seem so inane by comparison.
I don't see the point in losing our childish fascination, since most of us spend our adult lives trying to regain it.
Contentment is the nemesis of brilliance.
Too much choice is a spoiler of the soul.
I am incredibly shallow. I do what I please. I spend time with whom I like. I make my own money. I follow my heart. I feel no obligations within lines that are drawn by the hands and minds of others. My path is my own. This play I direct. I have always been this way.
It's a blessing to realise that you cannot change others actions, only your reactions.
TV shows are a depressing window into sociological expectations.
Luck is all about looking at what you have, instead of what you don't have.

I adore people who are interesting or useful. Everyone else is just a waste of space.
Some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises are above the clouds.
Blame your parents, blame your life; at the end of the day you have to realise that you're miserable because you're blaming everyone else.
I cannot lie. I am incapable; it is incompatible with my being. I therefore warn friends not to ask me things that they do not actually want to hear the answer to.
Insecurities are a powerful clouder of intellect.
I understand transience and enjoy embracing that incredibly precious knowledge.
If you want to live a wonderfully average life, simply refrain from asking questions.
Of course I'll age, but I don't plan to get much older than I am now.
Buyer beware: my personality is part of the package.
If I had a band I would call it "Sunshine, Every F*cking Day" or "Virgin Japanese". That's probably why I nobody will join my band. That, and I can't sing for crap.
Your personality: don't leave home without it!
The best thing about being boring is that you're forced to surround yourself with really entertaining people, so you don't bore yourself to death.
A life lived on assumptions is an ignorant life indeed.
The way to misery lies almost entirely in comparison.
I had a pair of CK stilettos that were such soft suede I refused to wear them and kept them in the box, only taking them out to rub them on my lips. I know that's really weird but oh, how I miss them!
With a name like mine of course I went in for the superhero auditions but just couldn't squeeze into the outfits, so the next best thing was to go into media where they tailor all your clothes.
My fitness ambitions are to be able to kiss my own butt and sink when I get into a swimming pool.

The best way to have full faith in yourself is to always accept responsibility, no matter what. Then you'll always give 100%, because you have everything to lose.
Supermarkets make me happy. I don't know why.
I love Jessica Rabbit's lesson on appearances: "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way".
When someone asks if you're a celebrity, I think you should point at the door straight faced and say "Get out."
At some point age just becomes numbers, like the minutes on a clock.
When you're truly happy you don't notice the numbers of age anymore- they suddenly cease to matter and life stretches like one long beam of sunshine before you.
I’m half my father and half my mother. I know that sounds obvious but try to look at it this way: I’m a big scary guy who just wants to mother everyone.
I like being weird because it means I’m not average, and average equals replaceable.
Celebrities I admire. Not for their celebrity, which is merely a mirror of the worlds opinion of them, but for their ambition and their talent, whatever it may be. For the journey they have the strength to take.
Sometimes I think we only adhere to chronological age so that we have an easy excuse for how badly we've taken care of ourselves. Blame it on age! There we go with the blame again...
If we weren’t made for movement we would have been born marshmallows.
The problem with schools these days it that they’re all about putting unicorns in stables.